
Serving the life of science and
technology civilization.
Serving the life of science and
technology civilization.

Serving the life of science and
technology civilization.

Serving the life of science and
technology civilization.

About usCultural Carrier
About us
Media for Culture

“Desay” Paper and “Desay People” Wechat Official Account are important carriers of Desay corporate culture.

“Desay” News and “Desay People” Wechat Public Account are important carriers of Desay corporate culture. Through integrated form of paper media and internet new media, “Desay” News and “Desay People” Wechat Public Account regularly reports the coverage of significant operating news, corporate latest activities and movements, salon exchange and employees’ curriculum activities to promote corporate image and employee features in all perspectives. Along with the booming of internet new media, affiliates of Desay Brand such as Desay SV, Blueways Electronics, and Desay Automation also opened Wechat Official Account to timely release significant information of the company and enrich the transmission of Desay culture.
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